Sunday, December 25, 2011

Some Views from Costa Rica

Yesterday was the Sabbath. A day of rest and reflection, full of peace and restoration. It is the one day that I can spend any way I want, no requirements on my time, no chores, no to do lists. It was pouring rain when I woke up, the winds were high and the rain was blowing in circles, so I stayed in bed for awhile. After a while the sun came out and the rains turned to a mist... the perfect weather for rainbows.
  My husband and I decided to go for a walk. The winds were high so it was really one step forward and two steps back, but I adore the Tilawa winds. There is something very exhilarating about the wind in your hair and the mist coating your clothes and exposed skin with a fine layer of water. The temps are in the 70's so it can be a bit chilly with the combination of mist and wind, but it is addictive. I will make the most of it while I can and I will dream about the sensation of the cool mist in my face long after we have returned to our homestead in North Carolina.
  We have about two weeks left to our trip, and there are still many things we are going to do before we head for home. We will be heading up to Tenorio National Park for a few days. Tenorio is a dormant volcano, covered in trees all the way to the cone. We will be staying on the side of the volcano, in a cabina surrounded by rainforest. There will be lots of flora and fauna to enjoy and several hiking trips to be done. I am really looking forward to it.
   For today I am going to share some photos from our recent wanderings. I hope that you are not getting tired of hearing about our trip... 

Catarata San Luis, Monteverde, Costa Rica
Mountaintop view from Monteverde. 
Wind turbines for generating electricity. Tierres Morenas Costa Rica
Playa Grande on the Pacific side of Costa Rica
Tide coming in. Playa Grande, Costa Rica
Sunset at Playa Grande, Costa Rica
I am looking forward to having the ability to post mail again, but in the meantime I have been writing "letters" to you all on my blog. I know it isn't the same as a letter in your mailbox, but I think about each of you as I am writing. I hope that this all finds you well and enjoying the holidays. I pray for blessings and peace to be with you all! Until next time! Elle


  1. Elle simply beautiful!!! I know we are not to envy others but I do believe I am turning pea green..haha! Thanks for the beautiful post. Greetings from sunny Southern is the 70s here too!

  2. Hi Kimi!! Nice to hear from you! We feel so privileged to be here... I am so much restored by all the beauty and peace. Being in the freshly made oxygen and sunshine is very renewing. I hope the holidays were good for you and that you are able be outside in the lovely weather. Shalom!! Elle
